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Dr. Pavol Čurilla


Dr. Pavol Čurilla enjoys being dentist because of working with people. The ideal combination is a well done procedure and a wide patient smile.

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mddr. pavol čurilla

The basis is a sense of detail

Miniature dental spaces and problems require maximum detail, patience and a firm hand. Therefore, daily training is essential for him: “Every case will teach me to be smarter and know what to look out for.”

According to him, the Schill Dental Clinic has a great team of people, providing a wide range of services using technologies that are definitely above standard.

mddr. pavol čurilla

A good dentist can be a motivator

Dentistry attracted him thanks to his own dentist. He went to the dentist often when he was young, but at the same time he liked it. Even today, he is very motivated by his older, more experienced colleagues. There is room for continuous improvement in every area of ​​work, and it is up to each of us to take advantage of it.

In private, he enjoys movies, sports and travel.

mddr. pavol čurilla

You deserve top-quality care

  • Appointments within 48 hours
  • Precise and painless treatment
  • Five-year guarantee

Get to know the Schill Dental Clinic team

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who takes care of you
18 experts

They are among the top dentists in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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Dentálna hygienička s pacientkou pri dentálnej hygiene.
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