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Dr. Roman Krajčí


slovensky, česky, anglicky

Dr. Krajčí is a talented dentist working at our dental clinics in Žilina and Prague. In his work, he strives to achieve results that provide patients with long-term benefits and satisfaction.

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mddr. roman krajčí

Roman Krajčí is a young dentist working at Schill Dental Clinic in Žilina. In addition, he is also a valued member of our top-tier team in Prague. He enjoys his work the most when his patients leave the clinic so satisfied that, over time, he meets their relatives and friends in the dental chair as well.

He himself says that the greatest satisfaction for his work comes from long-term results:

“When patients return for preventive check-ups happy, and I can see that the teeth I treated are in good condition and serving them well.”

mddr. roman krajčí

Roman places great emphasis on ensuring that a treated tooth looks and functions exactly like a healthy one.

And why would he, as an expert, definitely recommend Schill Dental Clinic to patients?

Mainly because of the perfectly coordinated team of doctors, nurses, and receptionists, who work together seamlessly and guarantee a top-level care. Moreover, we use only the highest quality materials and technology.

mddr. roman krajčí

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Dentálna hygienička s pacientkou pri dentálnej hygiene.
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