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Dr. Vadim Guts


English, Slovak, Russian

Dr. Vadim Guts is our reliable doctor in the Žilina branch of Schill Dental Clinic. He specializes in conservative dentistry, aesthetic reconstructions, and oral surgery.

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Dr Guts má super prístup k pacientom a v stomatologie sa našiel

“We can help patients, which were told by other dentists that it is impossible“

He often deals with reconstructions of the entire dentition, when everything must work as intended. He enjoys working with people and their reactions when they see a change in their smile: “I often check if my patients are uncomfortable and I continuously describe the procedure, what is happening right now. They always appreciate it in retrospect.”

It is important to him that during work he has the feeling of happiness from the newly formed dentition, that he is in a workplace, where everything under one roof and has the option of using modern instruments, technologies and procedures.

V Žiline máme šikovného zubného lekára, ktorý urobí všetko preto, aby ste nemali ani sekundu strach.

Dentist’s work performed at the maximum

He cares particularly for the approach and the quality of his performed work. In the dental office he always gives it his all and that is also why he has gained the trust and smiles of our patients.

There is nobody else in the family of MDDr. Guts with a medical background, he was motivated by his dentist, a true expert in oral surgery, who he has visited for years. Even as a young boy he knew that dentistry offers a wide range of true art and the blooming of imagination, the option not only to treat but also to create beauty and give his patients the gift of a new, happy life.

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